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Is it me, or is it something about the winter weather that makes me want to ditch my blog and commit myself to become a full-time target candle sniffer, hot chocolate drinking, cozy warm presets, jingle bell singer. haha
Maybe instead, I’ll make that apart of my bucket list of things/careers to have once I say adios to blogging.
Since the winter time is a season where it’s super hard for me to remain productive, I wanted to help my fellow babes out who are dealing with this same struggle of staying productive.
I recently became a full-time blogger, so the whole work from home life is new, so I’m here to spread positive winter vibes to help master productivity and give my winter morning routine.
Alone time with Jesus has become a staple of my life for the last seven years since I became a Christian.
I realized no season I am in, can pull me away from my best friend.
Waking up and spending that time with God allowed me to gain focus and clarity.
And I know if you’re anything like me the winter season is picking on you to spend more time christmas shopping or possibly waking up and scrolling hourly on social media.
But, since we’re aiming to start each day with success, we must get back to that and schedule alone time with God.
Here a few things to do
1. Before checking your phone, say a quick gratitude prayer!
2. Light one of favorite fall scent candles and create a beautiful aroma for God and pray.
3. Read your Bible + YouTube or podcast
4. Ask God to help you with your top priority of the day.
Read More: Morning Prayer To Kick Start Your Day
Read More: How To Focus On God With A Busy Schedule
The winter scenery has got to be one of the most beautiful things to witness.
To physically see the metamorphosis of the nature switch right before your eyes is so warming, I am always so amazed at God.
When aiming to be productive in the winter, it’s best to make your bed because you’re less likely to crawl back into bed once you have made it up!
Here a few things to do:
1. Make your bed as soon as you wake up
2. Open the blinds soon after; the morning sunlight will energize you.
3. Eat breakfast, coffee, and shower during this time.
As soon as the season transition, it always takes a little bit of my motivation to accomplish things?
Can you relate?
The moment I give myself time to the lounge, I find myself knee-deep into the office’s reruns or some random show on Netflix.
If you’re working for the home, it’s crucial to spend less time lounging and more time on a schedule.
Yes, give yourself time to breathe by taking small intervals breaks.
But spend those breaks grabbing food or hydrating yourself.
It’s super hard to stay focused when approaching colder seasons, so try to accomplish as much before you sit entirely down. ( disclaimer you can relax and breathe, lol.)
Just don’t spend your day sitting without achieving one semi goal
Here are a few good books to read during the winter season
Or look over your to-do list
I am a rigorous scheduler,something I hate to admit. With my favorite season being here, I find I am more prone to drift off, so by planning my setting a schedule in advance, and I am setting myself up for success.
Now, if you’re not this way! Plan your day that morning.
Here is my absolute best way to plan out my day for the winter.
5. Montly Income + Blogging Schedule
I recently launched my blogger secrets ebook that teaches aspiring Faith bloggers on how to create a sustainable website, build web, and monetize their blog.
Now, I’ve never been the one to monitor my income, but since I became a full-time blogger, it has become super important to me to ensure that I am productive by hitting my financial goals and blog goals during the winter season.
Last month, I brought in $2,000 from blogging now, it is a part of my winter productivity to make sure that I increase that total.
Here are a few tips to help you with your financial goals and blogging goals.
Create a monthly goal spreadsheet.(click here for journals)
Create a monthly/weekly blogging schedule.
- Pick a day of the week to blog ( if you have multiple niches choose a different niche each week)
- Focus on creating quailty blogs instead of putting crappy blogs out there
- Need more help? Here is how to become a Christian blogger→ I placed my blogging strategy in this post
Create an income goal spreadsheet (click here)
In conclusion here are a few takeaways when creating your winter/holiday schedule
- Include God in the beginning of your day
- Make your bed as soon as you wake up
- Limit excessive lougning unproductive time
- Focus on planning your schedule
- Create a weekly/monthly goal chart to keep you focused.
Hopefully, this post helped teach you how to plan out the best winter morning routine and winter productivity schedule.
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