Five Ways To Increase The Lifetime Value Of Your Customers To Boost Profit


It’s easy to nurture and sell to your existing audience compared to a series of blind dates that have you friend-zoned.

Wouldn’t you rather deepen your relationship by increasing the lifetime value of the customer aside from increasing your prices?

Some ways to strategically build relationships with your customers while ensuring they stay locked within your world.



To properly upsell your customers, there needs to be a linear path from the current offer to the next high-level offer.

The key to successfully building upsell sales is to have a mapped-out ascension business model.

Consciously being aware of what separates your current offer from your next high-level offering. This could be more support, deliverables, and community.

Ideas to upsell:

  • Discount Code: Within Your Course Welcome/ Closing Section To Encourage Sells To Another Course/Digital
  • Email Funnel: 10-15 days after enrollment, offer another course for a discounted price. (limited time only)


Add to cart

A bump offering is commonly placed at checkout to increase the value of the current offer.

Rather than upselling, you could down-sell, offer retired items and or limited-time-only offers at checkout.

This item doesn’t have to be linear like upsell it could be placed for convenience such as the items placed near the register at grocery stores.

Using charm pricing psychology such as $27, $37, or $47, will immediately trick the buyers’ eye that they’re saving instead of spending full pricing value.

Ideas to add to cart:

Checkout page: Bundle Similar products together, such as a $27 ebook with a $7 template


Continuations & Upgrades

Rather than upselling and adding to the cart, this option allows you to continue on services at either a discount price or they could down-sell. Although the down-sell is a financial loss because the client is choosing to downgrade their service.

The relationship you’ve built with your customer/client will ensure hope for them to navigate back into your high-end offerings. Offering upgrades to stand-alone offerings is another amazing way to ensure sales without having to place them into your next-level offering.

The end goal isn’t to milk your clients, but it’s ensuring connections and community and being an advocate for the people who became empowered through your products.

Ideas to Continuations & Upgrades:

V.I. P Upgrades: Offering V.I. P to your group programs instead of creating another program.

Offering Continuations:Offering a discount to go into your next program/ current program(s) will increase client retention and back-end sales

Monthly Maintenance: Service based businesses — Create options for retainers/recurring income through monthly maintenance, memberships, etc.


Pitching and Selling

How comfortable are you with pitching and selling your offers?

Well, it’s time to get comfortable selling the solutions to the problems your ideal clients are experiencing.

We often believe it’s about seeing our bank accounts increase and having the fancy 6 figure business model, but it’s more about serving your community.

Offering solutions for them to get out of their pain and problem. The more you sit and withhold yourself from being used, you’re doing yourself and others a disservice. God has called you to shapeshift your industry, pitching and selling as God’s gift to the world.

Ideas to Selling & Pitching:

Pitching: Pitch your next masterclass/training inside of the masterclass/workshop you’re hosting

Crazy Bonus: Crazy bonus or discount to the FAST ACTION TAKERS inside of your masterclass/workshops to go inside of your next level program.



Want to see this plan in action? Get inside of Limitless sales workshop for $97 and learn the energetic beliefs strategy + planning out your ascension blueprint for create unlimited sales within your business

Click the link below to grab the limited sales workshop. 


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photography by humbled hands + design by aundra williams

aundra williams

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