5 ways to SKYROCKET your Christian Blog



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Are you feeling overwhelmed with growing your Christian blog?

It is like searching under a thousand rocks looking for a clue, a hint, or anything that correlated to growth.

Sadly, I’ve pulled plenty of my hair out during this time. * insert crying emoji*

It is so frustrating. Am I right?! So, If you’re here, then that means you’re looking for answers.

Well, don’t fret my blogging sister- you’ve landed in the right place because I’m going to show you 5 surprising ways to grow your Christian bog.

It is as simple as 1, 2, 3! haha!

Are you ready?

Well, let us get this blogging party started.

5 Surprising way to grow your Christian blog

#1: Ask God

Sounds pretty simple right? Well, the reality of this is that many of us do not include God even in our Christian blog website. It is within our nature to ” figure” things out.

I know I am a problem solver type of gal, so when I noticed that my Christian blog wasn’t growing, I went into action.

I searched the web, I took webinars, signed up for courses!

Oh boy!

I did it all, and then it dawned on me that if this platform is to glorify God, then maybe I should ask God how to do it properly.

I realized that God is the God of the universe, so He has all the infinite knowledge on what I could do differently or do better.

God’s insight, His knowledge on things goes far beyond our human capabilities that choosing to include God should’ve been my first thought reaction when I noticed it wasn’t growing.

John 14:13 “And whatever you might ask in My name, this I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.”

Your Christian blog was designed to give glory unto God, so whatever you ask in Jesus’s name, it shall be given unto you.

So that means asking God to help you grow your website, it shall be given unto you because you’re glorifying God doesn’t matter what genre of Christian blogger you’re in- if God is in the midst the help shall be given unto you.

Wowzer! That’s a lot to rest in when it comes to receiving our heart’s desire.

How to apply: Sit before the Lord and ask God to help you. 

God loves when we’re dependent on Him, and blogging can be tough sometimes. It challenges your faith but, when you ask God for help, He’ll not only help you in the areas you spoke audibly with, but God will help in the areas that your heart asked for as well.

Related Post: How to start a blog

#2: Work with excellence!

Are you working, writing with the Spirit of Excellence? Or are you sloppily piecing together blogs in the hope that it comes along in the end?

It is okay, to be honest!

How often do you set aside the time to properly work on your blogs so that you’re releasing blog content that you can be proud to have on your Christian blog?

When we work with the excellence we’re taking the time to research our SEO, Keywords we’re doing everything that we need to do. 

Jesus is our most excellent example of working excellence. He had the hardest mission of all time, and that was saving humanity by carrying our sins to the cross, but instead of sitting back, He worked. He didn’t do anything halfway.

He placed his ALL into his mission, and I know you’re in a state where your traffic isn’t the best but do not allow that be the reason why you aren’t working with excellence.

Be faithful to the few people that are following and visiting your website because if you aren’t constant and working with excellence now, it will not come when the traffic comes.

Work with excellence now! 



#3: Insert your Spiritual gift

Have you tried using your Spiritual gifts to help grow your blog website?

If spiritual gifts are something you’ve never heard of before, click here to take your spiritual gift test. And click here to get a more in-depth understanding.

I would suggest incorporating your spiritual gift into your Christian blog website because your Spiritual gift could help solve a problem that many are facing.

And what’s so cool about spiritual gifts is that God doesn’t give us one gift. He provides us with a plethora of gifts and talents.

I know exciting right? It is like Christmas day Discovering your gift.

How to apply: Sit before the Lord and ask God to reveal your spiritual gift.

Once you figure it out, apply it to your new approach. If God has blessed you with the Spirit of teaching, start teaching more within your blogs.

If God has blessed you with the Spirit of exhorting the bible, do a newsletter bible study.

A spiritual gift is finding your strength, and that strength could potentially help grow your Christian website.

One of the many spiritual gifts I have is the Spirit of teaching, so naturally, having a blog website teaching and instructing came naturally to me compared to other things.

Once God shows you your Spiritual apply that to your website, it will not only give your blog uniqueness, but it will showcase how Great God is, and honestly, that’s the primary mission.

Releated Post: How to study the bible for beginners

#4: Visit different churches occasionally  

One way to improve your blog is by visiting different church homes and introducing yourself to the members of the church.

Sounds quite overwhelming if you’re an introvert.

But, trust me, it will go better than what you expect.

It will allow you to connect and meet like-minded people who not only want to share their love for the Gospel but who are willing to encourage another by reading your blog post.

Also, another thing to add is that this is free networking!!!!


#5: Take the time to get to know your community

How often do you show support to your other blogging sister’s website?

Tough question, right?

I know it is super easy to get caught up with building your website that you forget about the outside world. I spent the early days of the building process of my blog face down into my website that I didn’t take the proper time to engage with my community.

Huge bummer for me during that time

But, By not taking the time to get to know your community, you’re strutting your growth and exposure. Go and comment on other people’s blog website. 

Introduce yourself to them.

Show them that you’re as interested in their website as you’re about yours. Showing support and love to other Christian bloggers will not dim your light.

If anything, it will show God that I can be happy for others just as I am happy for myself.


Remember, this is a progressional process so be patient with this process. You’re doing a fantastic job with where you’re right now. 

Comment below some of your tips that helped you?


With love,









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photography by humbled hands + design by aundra williams

aundra williams

follow along @aundra.williams