25 Affirmations To Improve Your Life

25 affirmations to improve your life


Affirmations can reverse the negative storylines that you have about yourself, due to negative thinking or low self-esteem.

Or possibly words of destruction that may have been planted over your life that have taken root and bloomed—creating limitations from you walking in your fullest potential.

These 25 Affirmations to improve your life will destroy the word bondage, the false narrative, and it helps to shape you so that you may step into your purpose.

With changed behavior comes change, actions and affirmations will help to improve the overall wellbeing of your life.

By speaking positive statements of declarations over yourself, you’re now adjusting and creating a positive belief about yourself and the potential that you have.

Affirmations are repeated, positive statements, set in the present time that harness the power of your subconscious mind to produce the desired result.

They can assist in adjusting personal beliefs or can be used to create change in your life.

Below you’ll find 25 affirmations to improve your life, speak these hourly if need be until your mental connect with your physical.

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1. I am blessed
2. I am healed from __________
3. I am favored by God
4. I am loved by God
5. I am forgiven, redeemed
6. I am free from _______________
7. I am unique because God has gifted me with ___________
8. I am joyful because I have Jesus and he has helped me to overcome ____________

Related Post: How to overcome insecurities?


1. I am beautiful
2. I am worthy of being loved and to love
3. I am confident in myself because I have numerous talents
4. I am courageous
5. I am enough
6. I forgive myself from ___________, __________
7. I am proud of myself ( list why you’re proud
8. I will believe in myself

Positive sentences

1. I will build myself so that I will be able to do ______________, _____________.
2. I will become all that God says that I am so I will relinquish __________,________ and ___________.
3. I will not place my happiness in material possession, my joy comes from __________,_________.
4. I will no longer label myself as _________, ________ but I will accept my new identity as ______________
5. I will renew my mind so that I can do ________,_________.
6. I will manifest the life that I want so I’m saying goodbye too ___________ and ________ and hello too __________ and _________.
7. I will deal with discouragement setbacks in a positive way and it will not affect my ___________.
8. I will conquer life with optimism and mastery leaving behind ___________.
9. I wake up feeling happy everyday because I have _________ , _________.

Related Post: 32 Journal prompts for personal growth?

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How to use affirmations

There isn’t a bulletproof method on how to use affirmations, but here is my suggestion on how to use and apply statements.

1. Journal the above affirmations
2. Speak out loud
3. Pray the affirmations
4. Sing it

Whichever method you choose to allow the words to resonate with you until your words produce life.

Comment below, which affirmation resonates with you the most?







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photography by humbled hands + design by aundra williams

aundra williams

follow along @aundra.williams