How to bring out your best self

6 ways to become your best self


Becoming your best self is such an exhilarating journey, but what happens when you want to become best self but you do not understand where to begin.

Here in this post, I want to give you guys  6 ways, tips, techniques on how to become your best self and live the life that brings you the most joy.

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1. Show grace to yourself.

I get it, we’re all aiming to be better and sometimes we think being our own worst critic is more helpful than harmful.

Now am I telling you not to try your best?

Of course not!

I am telling you to show grace towards yourself.

I know you may feel as if you’re not pushing and working yourself to the fullest potential.

I am guilty of doing this to myself, but over time, I realized how I wasn’t giving myself credit for what I carried out.

And neither are you!

Give yourself credit!

What have you accomplished recently?

Celebrate that!

Instead, it is finishing your degree, hosting that launch party, starting that blog.

What have you accomplished that took a lot of gut and tenacity to complete?

And whatever you’re celebrating, be happy for the completed work you have done.

2. Reveal & Heal.

Healing is so therapeutic for the soul, but to become your best self, you must reveal to yourself or either someone you trust the things that are hindering you from getting the life you desire.

For me, I struggled with a molestation that happened to me when I was younger.

That trauma triggered hate, fear, and anxiety within me.

Halting me from living a life of peace.

Reveal that pain by seeking help and accept healing into your life.

Becoming your best self isn’t always done with isolation.

It’s done with support.

Over at the cozy corner, it’s a group of women who are looking to help pour out resources and love to help you as you transition into this new journey.

Related post: How to improve your confidence?

3. Improving your confidence.

Improving your confidence for some may be hard, especially if you spent a significant amount of time hating the reflection you see staring at you in the mirror.

But, I want to challenge you to love and embrace the person you’re.

Look for ways you can improve your mental state because, honestly, confidence comes from within.

Here are a few ways I developed my self-confidence.

✨ Positive affirmations.
✨ Diving into the word of God.
✨ Reading books, journaling.

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4. Exercise.

Exercising does something to your brain, and honestly, it’s a stress reliever.

When looking to become your best self, include exercising into your daily lifestyle.

If you do not want to do a strenuous workout, go for a walk around the park.

Related Post: 7 toxic habits to quit.

5. Finances.

“Thou shalt not be financially lost forever” in the words of Stacy Racapon over at

It just may feel that way when you’re in young adulthood. Managing your finances for the first time can overwhelm—what with the daily expenses, big-ticket costs such as housing and health care, heavy debts and long-term goals, including your ridiculously distant retirement.

But to become the best version of yourself gaining financial literacy right now will help set you up for your future.

6. Read/ Write.

Read more books! Read more books!

Reading unlocks a million mysteries if you’re struggling to become your best self, read more self-help books that will give you a blueprint on how to grow your best self.

And as you’re reading, do a study on the book you read.

Write did it speak to you, what lessons can you apply to your life?

What mindsets can your altar?

Read more books to gain a deeper understanding of life.

Here are my 6 ways to becoming a better person, what are some ways you’re becoming a better person.


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photography by humbled hands + design by aundra williams

aundra williams

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